
We are one of the most comprehensive NI sports schemes


The sessions include fun activities as well as stroke development aspects. Focus is on streamlining and breaking down of arm and leg actions. Sessions cover breathing techniques and a range of water based skill activities.

summer scheme swimming

Rugby Skills

The skill development sessions will include a range of ball and evasion skills, alongside non contact game based activities. We would encourage all the boys and girls to take part. However the rugby will not be in any way compulsory and children who would prefer to take part in another activity are free to do so.


Hand eye, passing and shooting skills can all be developed here. Teamwork and communication skills can also be developed. A mixture of basketball and netball will be integrated into the program.

sports schemes basketball

a boy playing basketball during smile club week


The next Ronaldo could be in our midst. Basic soccer skills will be developed and there will also be small sided competitions and penalty shoot outs.


There are four courts for use and an introduction to the skills of badminton will be offered, alongside competitions and friendlies.

summer scheme badminton

Quick Cricket

This is a basic form of cricket and provides a stepping stone to the more traditional game. It’s much easier to play and understand and builds on striking skills. It’s also much quicker and more suitable for younger children.


There is nothing better on a summers’ day than the fun of softball on the front lawn. Here throwing striking and fielding skills can be developed.