Smile Club
After School Clubs
after school club
Switch or Join for a FREE £250 Cash Bonus for your Primary School
- 10 Years’ experience in delivering multi activities for primary aged children
- First class booking and administration system
- Proven marketing system
- Highly qualified, talented, and motivated staff
- Tailored programme of activities provided
- Up and running within days
- Dedicated Club manager allocated
- A high quality and extensive range of equipment and resources all provided
Don't take it from us.
Hear from past parents and campers
My sons enjoy this and every time I come to pick them, they refuse to leave early and always want to stay longer. The activities are fun, and the staff are kind, and I would recommend Smile Club to any parent looking for an excellent after school activities club for their kids
5 Star Club
My daughter loves attending Smile club. Staff are always friendly and welcoming; activities are always great. Couldn't recommend highly enough.
Great fun
My two girls love it at Smile club, happy smiling faces at pick up time!
What we do
Activities Include
- Range of sporting activities
- Mini Olympics
- Tag Rugby
- Soccer
- Cooking
- Face Painting
- Nerf wars
- Dance
- Singing
- Drama
- Gymnastics
- Arts & Craft
Policies and Procedures
The following policies and procedures are incorporated through each venue and after school club:
- Supervision Policy
- Behaviour Policy
- Timings of each Activity Day
- Sign in / sign out Policy
- Incident Reporting Policy
- Programme and Scheduling
- Staff Training Policy
- Equality and Opportunity Policy
- Fire Regulations
- Health and Safety Policy
- Accident Reporting
- Allergies Policy
- Covid Policy
- Risk assessments for outdoor activities
- Risk assessments indoor facilities
- Safeguarding and Child Protection Policies and Procedures
- Complaints Procedures
- ICT Policy
Get In touch
Our contact details
For more information or to book a free consultation please contact us via the form or on the details below.